Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Currently I am: 
  • taking 5 classes and trying to stay ahead of the homework 
    • favorite class: International Management
    • least favorite: Survey of Latin American Literature (in Spanish)
      • working Monday, Wednesday, Friday (I've been serving for an entire year straight and it's starting to wear on me.)
      • getting up to go the gym (I have no motivation to do this, but I'll have you know I went 3 times last week! Which may or may not be more than I went ALL of last semester...)
      • trying to meet as many new people as I can seeing as to how there is a good possibility my roommates will be gone/married off by next semester
      • reading a lot (Next book, The Help) 
      • getting annoyed because my the life of my laptop is slowly coming to an end
      • attempting to go to bed earlier which is where I'm off to now. Goodnight.

      1 comment:

      Tys-Price said...

      The Help is an incredible book!